Robyn’s Yummy Protein Shake

July 7th, 2013

For the past two and a half years, this shake has been my breakfast of choice 99.9% of my mornings at home. I drink it with about two cups of coffee. Some workday mornings when I REALLY don’t want to get up and moving, the thought of enjoying my shake and coffee in my robe while watching an episode of Mad Men is what finally revs me up and out of bed! It’s very filling (I eat this and don’t get hungry again for over three hours), packed with protein, covers ALL the food groups and best of all, it’s a treat with ZERO GUILT! Your body will LOVE you for fueling it up!

I made this shake as a special Fourth of July Weekend, post-Jazzercise treat yesterday after Lybra’s 9:30am class. Everyone seemed to love it as much as I do and asked that I share my recipe, so here’s all the details of how I make mine. You can take and tailor the recipe with your favorite frozen fruits — just watch your portions/measurements, don’t forget the veggie(s), and, although its healthy benefits are all the rage right now, don’t go too crazy with the honey. A little bit does go a long way!

Also, it doesn’t just have to be a breakfast item. It’s great as a snack, post-workout protein punch, quick lunch or even dinner — especially if it’s late (after 7pm), you’re starving, need something quick and nutritious! It’s an all around go-to meal! You can keep all these supplies in your frig, freezer and pantry so they’re available ANYTIME you need them!

What equipment you’ll need:
+ a really good blender
+ a big tumbler cup and extra wide straw (this makes it seem more like a treat than something healthy — make it fun!)
+ a digital kitchen scale for measuring (measuring cups and teaspoon/tablespoon can work too — I’ve provided measurements in both)
+ spatula

Grocery List:
+ non-fat, plain yogurtYogurt
+ protein powder (I order mine through – it’s “On” brand which is 100% soy protein which is completely vegetarian) proteinpowder
+ Chia seeds (good for joints and circulation) chiabag
+ honey (don’t buy the cheap stuff — go for a local honey and don’t be scared away by the price — the taste is worth it. In my book, cheap honey tastes like thick watered-down white cane sugar = YUCK!) honey
+ frozen chopped spinach
+ frozen blueberries (I buy huge bag at Sam’s Club)
+ tap water as needed
+ frozen sliced strawberries (again big bag from Sam’s Club — look for sliced, this will help out your blender a bit!) frozenstuff

Ahead of time (optional) prep:
I’ve purchased cheap, plastic, kiddie-party cups from Walmart to measure out my blueberries and spinach (in one cup) and strawberries ahead of time. I keep these cups on shelf in my freezer, so I can grab them quick in the morning — plus they are super cute and make me smile! I also measure out protein powder and chia seeds the night before. By doing this, I can switch on my coffee maker and have my shake ready to go by the time my coffee has finished brewing — under 10mins. measurestrawberriescutecup

Putting it all together:
everythingreadytogo First, scoop-out yogurt with spatula 1into blender. addyogurt
Add protein powder, chia seeds and honey.
Add spinach and blueberries. addspinachandblues
Before blending, add a little bit of water (this is trial and error — the goal is to add just enough water to assist the blender. I suggest you add about 1/4 cup water, start blending and if blender is struggling, slowly add teeny bit of water to get it mixing everything all up. I like as thick a shake as possible, hence why I add as little water as possible).
After water is in the pitcher, start blender. blend Once mixture is going, gradually add in your strawberries. addstraws
Again, if things “get stuck” you may need to add a bit more water. I always blend my shake through two full cycles (about 35seconds/cycle — it’s the “smoothie” button on my blender). mixeverythingonemorecycle
Then, just use spatula to get every last drop as you pour into a big tumbler (I purchased mine at Bed, Bath, Beyond — pink “R” again makes the whole experience more fun…and girly! Especially with the shakes beautiful purple color!). pour

I clean-up blender and everything before I drink shake — don’t want it to dry — then it’s pain in the booty to clean. But you’ll want to drink shake right away — it will separate and get frothy, if you leave it too long — placing in frig won’t help! Simply sit down, relax and enjoy! enjoy

Nutritional Information:
+ protein powder (serving size = 1 scoop or 30.5g; total fat = 1.5g; total carbs = 1g; calories = 120; protein = 25g)
+ chia seeds (serving size = 1 tbsp; total fat = 5g; total carbs = 1g; calories = 70; protein = 3g)
+ non-fat, plain yogurt (serving size = 1 cup or 227g; total fat = 0g; total carbs = 15g; calories = 110; protein = 10g)
+ honey (serving size = 1 tbsp or 21g; total fat = 0g; total carbs = 17g; calories = 60; protein = 0g)
+ frozen chopped spinach (serving size = 1 cup or 81g; total fat = 0g; total carbs = 2g; calories = 20; protein = 2g)
+ frozen blueberries (serving size = 1 cup or 140g; total fat = 1g; total carbs = 17g; calories = 80; protein = less than 1g)
+ frozen sliced strawberries (serving size = 1 cup or 140g; total fat = 0g; total carbs = 13g; calories = 50; protein = less than 1g)
Grand total (total fat = 7.5g; total carbs = 66g; calories = 510; protein = 41g)

After totaling up all the nutritional factors, I’m going to edit my shake by adding in only 1/2 scoop of my protein powder. My goal at each meal is to get 20-26g of protein, so the 41g is a bit overkill! Plus, by cutting powder in half, I’ll shave-off 60 calories and a bit more fat!

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